目前分類:JYJ (4)

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Recently, there is some conflict on the CFs issue. A post was made at Park Yoochun DC Gall that Yoochun was offered 30 CFs but was rejected by C-JeS because of someone or something. Acgae fans complained that C-JeS rejected these CF offers for Yoochun in favor of more [JYJ] group CFs.

Some malicious fans started to spread this rumor in the international fandom via twitter. It then quickly spread to Chinese and Japanese fandoms and later to the international fandom. This resulted to people sending hateful messages to Jaejoong and C-JeS via acgae fansites, weibo and twitter.

暇咪Sammi 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

jyj nii  

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JYJ 2011 in Spain and Germany for their concert.


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